Pairing Perfection with Fresh Figs and Cheese

What Cheese Goes With Figs

If you’re a fan of cheese and figs, you’re in luck!

These two ingredients pair together perfectly, creating a delicious balance of sweet and savory flavors.

But with so many types of cheese available, it can be overwhelming to decide which one to pair with your figs.

However, not to worry, because we’ve got at an exhaustive list of the best cheese options to pair with figs, so you can create the perfect cheese board for your next gathering or snack.

Whether you prefer soft, creamy cheeses or hard, sharp varieties, there’s a cheese that will complement the unique taste and texture of figs.

We’ll provide all the information you need to create a delicious and impressive cheese board that will have everyone asking for your secret ingredient!

Cheese and Figs Pairing Basics

Understanding the Flavor Profiles of Cheese and Figs

When it comes to pairing cheese and figs, it’s important to understand the flavor profiles of each.

Figs have a sweet, delicate flavor with a slightly nutty undertone, while cheese can range from mild and creamy to sharp and pungent.

For example, soft and creamy cheeses like brie or goat cheese pair well with fresh figs because their mild flavor doesn’t overpower the sweetness of the fruit.

Similarly, stronger and more pungent cheeses like blue cheese or gorgonzola can also stand up to the sweetness of fresh figs.

Factors to Consider When Pairing Cheese and Figs

When pairing cheese and figs, there are several factors to consider.

First, consider the ripeness of the figs.

Ripe figs are sweeter and pair well with milder cheeses, while less ripe figs have a more tart flavor and pair well with stronger cheeses.

Another factor to consider is the texture of the cheese.

Soft and creamy cheeses like brie or camembert pair well with fresh figs, as well as harder cheeses like parmesan.

Lastly, consider the acidity of the figs.

Fresh figs have a slightly acidic taste that pairs well with creamier cheeses like brie or goat cheese.

Basically, when pairing cheese and figs, it’s important to consider the flavor profiles, ripeness, texture, and acidity of both the cheese and the figs.

By keeping these factors in mind, you can create a delicious and harmonious pairing that will delight your taste buds.

Cheese Flavor Profile Factors to Consider
Soft (e.g. brie, goat) Mild and creamy Ripe figs, soft texture
Strong (e.g. blue, gorgonzola) Pungent and sharp Less ripe figs, sweet/tart
Hard (e.g. parmesan) Ripe figs, hard texture

Hard Cheeses

Hard cheeses are a great option to pair with figs. They have a sharp flavor that complements the sweetness of the figs. Here are two great options:


Parmesan cheese is a classic hard cheese that pairs well with figs. It has a nutty and salty flavor that complements the sweetness of the figs. Grating the cheese and sprinkling it over fresh figs is a great pairing. Additionally, including it on a cheese board with fresh figs is also a delicious option.

You may want to consider some of these other food options that pair well with Parmesan cheese:

  • Prosciutto
  • Walnuts
  • Honey
  • Olives

Pecorino Romano

Pecorino Romano is another great hard cheese to pair with figs. It has a sharp and salty flavor that pairs well with the sweetness of the figs. You can grate the cheese and sprinkle it over fresh figs. It also goes well with fresh figs on a cheese board.

Here are some other foods that pair well with Pecorino Romano cheese that you might want to consider:

  • Salami
  • Arugula
  • Tomatoes
  • Red wine
Hard Cheese Flavor Profile Best Pairing with Figs Other Foods that Pair Well
Parmesan Nutty and salty Fresh figs, cheese board Prosciutto, walnuts, honey, olives
Pecorino Romano Sharp and salty Fresh figs, cheese board Salami, arugula, tomatoes, red wine

Semi-Hard Cheeses

Aged Cheddar

Aged cheddar is a popular cheese that pairs well with figs. The sharpness and nuttiness of the cheese complement the sweetness of the figs. The longer the cheese is aged, the sharper it becomes. Aged cheddar can be found in different varieties, ranging from mild to extra sharp.

When pairing aged cheddar with figs, it’s best to choose a ripe and sweet fig to balance the sharpness of the cheese. You can serve the cheese and figs on a cheese board or add them to a salad for a delicious and satisfying meal.


Asiago is a semi-hard cheese with a mild and nutty taste. It tends to be dry and crumbly but pairs well with a soft ripe and sweet fig. The cheese is made from cow’s milk and is aged for several months.

When serving Asiago with figs, it’s best to slice the cheese thinly and serve it with fresh figs. You can also add the cheese to a salad or use it as a topping for pizza.


Manchego is a Spanish cheese made from sheep’s milk. It has a nutty and buttery flavor with a slightly tangy finish. The cheese is aged for several months and becomes firmer and sharper with age.

Manchego pairs well with figs because of its salty and nutty flavor. The cheese can be sliced thinly and served with fresh figs or added to a salad. 

Semi-Hard Cheese Flavor Profile Best Pairing with Figs
Aged Cheddar Sharp and nutty Ripe and sweet figs
Asiago Mild and nutty Fresh figs, salads, pizza
Manchego Nutty, buttery, tangy Fresh figs, salads

Soft Cheeses


Brie is a soft, creamy cheese with a mild flavor that pairs well with sweet figs. The buttery texture of Brie complements the sweetness of figs, making it a perfect match.

When pairing Brie with figs, it is best to choose a ripe Brie that is at room temperature. This will allow the cheese to be soft and creamy, which will enhance the flavor of the figs.


Camembert, with its soft and creamy texture and rich earthy flavor, is a delectable pairing with figs. The sweetness of figs perfectly complements the tangy taste of Camembert, resulting in a match made in heaven.

For the best experience, it’s recommended to select a ripe Camembert cheese that is at room temperature. This will ensure that the cheese is soft and creamy, allowing its flavor to be enhanced by the figs.

Goat Cheese

The tangy and creamy texture of goat cheese, coupled with its distinctive flavor, is a perfect pairing with figs. The sweet taste of figs is nicely balanced by the tangy flavor of goat cheese, making it a delicious combination.

It’s recommended to opt for a soft and fresh goat cheese that has been brought to room temperature when pairing it with figs. This allows the cheese to be creamy and smooth, thereby enhancing the flavor of the figs.


Pairing figs with Mascarpone cheese is a delectable combination due to its rich and creamy texture along with its mild flavor. The sweet taste of figs is perfectly balanced by the smooth texture of Mascarpone cheese, resulting in a delicious flavor profile.

To fully experience this pairing, it’s advisable to choose a high-quality Mascarpone cheese that has been brought to room temperature. This will ensure the cheese is soft and creamy, thus elevating the taste of the figs.


The soft and creamy texture of ricotta cheese perfectly complements the sweetness of figs, resulting in a delicious pairing. To make this combo even more tasty, use fresh ricotta cheese that has been allowed to reach room temperature.

Soft Cheese Flavor Profile Tips for Pairing with Figs
Brie Mild and creamy Choose a ripe Brie at room temperature
Camembert Earthy and creamy Select a ripe Camembert at room temperature
Goat Cheese Tangy and creamy Choose a soft and fresh goat cheese at room temperature
Mascarpone Rich and creamy Use high-quality Mascarpone cheese at room temperature
Ricotta Soft and creamy Use fresh ricotta cheese at room temperature
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