Pineapple + Spices = Flavor Explosion!

What Spices Go With Pineapple?

Are you looking for ways to add more flavor to your pineapple dishes?

Pineapple is a versatile fruit that can be used in a variety of sweet and savory recipes. But what spices go well it?

If you’re curious, we’ve got good news – we’ve tracked down the best herbs and spices that pair perfectly with pineapple, giving your dishes a burst of delicious flavor.

Whether you are looking to make a tropical salsa, a fruity marinade for your grilled chicken, or a refreshing smoothie, adding the right spices can take your dish to the next level.

Crack open that spice cabinet and let’s see what’s cooking!

Why Use Spices with Pineapple?

  • Enhanced Flavor: Pineapple has a sweet and tangy flavor that can be complemented by a variety of spices. Adding spices like ginger, cinnamon, or cardamom can enhance the natural sweetness of the fruit and bring out its unique flavor profile.
  • Improved Digestion: Pineapple contains an enzyme called bromelain, which can aid in digestion. However, adding spices like cumin or coriander can also aid in digestion and help reduce bloating and discomfort.
  • Health Benefits: Many spices have their own health benefits that can be combined with the health benefits of pineapple. For example, ginger has anti-inflammatory properties, while cinnamon can help regulate blood sugar levels.
Reasons to Use Spices with Pineapple Examples of Spices Benefits
Enhanced Flavor Ginger, Cinnamon, Cardamom Complements natural sweetness, brings out unique flavor profile
Improved Digestion Cumin, Coriander Aids in digestion, reduces bloating and discomfort
Health Benefits Ginger, Cinnamon Ginger has anti-inflammatory properties, Cinnamon helps regulate blood sugar levels

Sweet Spices

If you’re looking to add some warmth and sweetness to your pineapple dish, sweet spices are the way to go! The spices below pair perfectly with the tropical sweetness of pineapple, creating a delicious and aromatic flavor profile.


Cinnamon is a classic sweet spice that pairs perfectly with pineapple.

Its warm and comforting flavor adds depth and richness to any recipe. For pineapple dishes, try adding a sprinkle of cinnamon to your fruit salad or grilling pineapple slices with a dusting of cinnamon on top.


Nutmeg is another sweet spice that pairs well with pineapple.

Its warm and slightly sweet flavor adds a subtle complexity to pineapple dishes. Nutmeg is often used in baking, but it can also be used to add flavor to savory dishes like roasted vegetables or grilled meats.

For pineapple, try adding a pinch of nutmeg to your fruit salsa or mixing it into your pineapple smoothie for a delicious and unique flavor.


Allspice is a sweet and aromatic spice that has notes of cinnamon, nutmeg, and cloves.

Allspice is often used in Caribbean and Latin American cuisine, where it’s used to flavor dishes like jerk chicken and plantains.

For pineapple dishes, try adding a pinch of allspice to your fruit salad or mixing it into your pineapple marinade for an exotic flavor twist.

Sweet Spices for Pineapple Flavor Profile Recipe Ideas
Cinnamon Warm and comforting Sprinkle on fruit salad, grill pineapple with cinnamon dusting
Nutmeg Warm and slightly sweet Add to fruit salsa, mix into pineapple smoothie
Allspice Sweet and aromatic with notes of cinnamon, nutmeg, and cloves Add to fruit salad, mix into pineapple marinade for an exotic twist

Savory Spices

When using savory spices with pineapple, be sure to use them in moderation so they don’t overpower the sweetness of the fruit. A little goes a long way, so start with a small amount and add more as needed.


Ginger adds a warm, spicy flavor that complements the sweetness of the fruit.

Fresh ginger is best, of course, but powdered ginger can also be used. Try adding ginger to a pineapple stir-fry or using it in a marinade for grilled pineapple skewers.


Cumin is another savory spice that goes well with pineapple.

It has a nutty, earthy flavor that complements the sweetness of the fruit. Cumin is commonly used in Mexican and Indian cuisine, so try adding it to a pineapple salsa or using it in a curry with pineapple and other vegetables.


Coriander is a spice that comes from the seeds of the cilantro plant.

Coriander is commonly used in Indian and Middle Eastern cuisine, so try adding it to a pineapple chutney or using it in a spice rub for grilled pineapple.

Savory Spices for Pineapple Flavor Profile Recipe Ideas
Ginger Warm and spicy Add to pineapple stir-fry or marinade for grilled pineapple skewers
Cumin Nutty and earthy Add to pineapple salsa or use in a curry with pineapple and other vegetables
Coriander Citrusy and slightly sweet Add to pineapple chutney or use in a spice rub for grilled pineapple

Heat and Spice

Adding heat and spice to pineapple can elevate its flavor and make it even more delicious. Here are two spices that work well with pineapple:

Chili Powder

Chili powder is a spice blend that typically includes chili peppers, cumin, garlic, and oregano.

It adds a warm, smoky flavor to pineapple and pairs well with other spices like cinnamon and ginger. You can sprinkle chili powder on fresh pineapple chunks or use it as a seasoning for grilled or roasted pineapple.

Cayenne Pepper

Cayenne pepper is a type of chili pepper that is commonly used to add heat to dishes.

It has a spicy, slightly sweet flavor that complements the sweetness of pineapple. Cayenne pepper also contains capsaicin, which has been shown to have health benefits like reducing inflammation and boosting metabolism.

Add a pinch of cayenne pepper to fresh pineapple juice for a spicy kick or sprinkle cayenne pepper on grilled or roasted pineapple for a sweet and spicy flavor.

Heat and Spice for Pineapple Flavor Profile Recipe Ideas
Chili Powder Warm and smoky Sprinkle on fresh pineapple chunks or use as a seasoning for grilled or roasted pineapple
Cayenne Pepper Spicy and slightly sweet Add to fresh pineapple juice or sprinkle on grilled or roasted pineapple for a sweet and spicy flavor


Herbs are a great way to add flavor to your pineapple dishes. We’ve rounded up a few of the most popular for you to try.


Basil is a versatile herb that can be used in both sweet and savory dishes.

Its sweet and slightly spicy flavor goes well with pineapple. You can try making pineapple and basil sorbet, basil and pineapple chicken skewers, and pineapple and basil salsa as dishes with basil and pineapple.


Mint is a refreshing herb that pairs well with the sweetness of pineapple. It can be used in both sweet and savory dishes.

Here are some dish ideas that combine mint and pineapple: a refreshing smoothie made with pineapple and mint, a salad featuring mint and pineapple, and juicy pork chops with a pineapple and mint glaze.


Cilantro is a herb with a bright and citrusy flavor that pairs well with the tropical sweetness of pineapple.

You can try these dish options with cilantro and pineapple: pineapple and cilantro salsa, cilantro and pineapple rice, and pineapple and cilantro shrimp skewers.

Herbs for Pineapple Flavor Profile Recipe Ideas
Basil Sweet and slightly spicy Make pineapple and basil sorbet, basil and pineapple chicken skewers, or pineapple and basil salsa
Mint Refreshing Make a refreshing smoothie with pineapple and mint, a salad featuring mint and pineapple, or juicy pork chops with a pineapple and mint glaze
Cilantro Bright and citrusy Make pineapple and cilantro salsa, cilantro and pineapple rice, or pineapple and cilantro shrimp skewers
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